@article{oai:yone.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000064, author = {齋藤, 寛子 and 松本, 時子}, issue = {40}, journal = {山形県立米沢女子短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of Yonezawa Women's Junior College}, month = {Jan}, note = {論文(Article), ABSTRACT : In this paper we describe an experimental study of qualities of sponge cakes made by mixing a quantity of buckwheat flour (dewakaori) with a quantity of flour at a ratio of 10-30-50-70-100%. The results are as follows: 1. The specific gravity of butter was not different among each sample. 2. Crumb of sponge cakes were harder and rougher by adding buckwheat flour at a ratio of 50-100%. 3. In color of sponge cakes, a specific difference was observed comparing buckwheat flour at a ratio of 10% with buckwheat flour at a ratio of 30%. 4. Significant differences were found in total valuation of sensory evaluation(p<0.01). The sponge cake made from the ratio of 100% in the quantity of buckwheat flour is the tendency which is not rarely most. As for the sponge cake made by adding buckwheat flour at the ratio of 70%, the flavor of buckwheat was liked better than the cake which was made by adding buckwheat flour at the ratio 50%.  Judging from these results, it is concluded that better qualities are obtained by mixing 10-30% of buckwheat flour with flour. Key words : buckwheat flour qualities of sponge cake sensory evaluation}, pages = {71--77}, title = {そば粉がスポンジケーキの性状に及ぼす影響}, year = {2005} }